Rosario Álvarez Blanco
Professor of Galician and Portuguese Philology. Instructor in the Faculty of Philology and ILG scholar. member of the group FILGA. B.A. in Romance Philology (1974) and Ph.D. in Philosophy and Literature with the thesis O pronome persoal galego (1980).
Rosario Alvarez's research focuses on language variation (primarily geographical) and change in Galician. It aims to achieve the best possible description of modern Galician and Portuguese-Galician contrastive grammar (through comparison with both European and Brazilian Portuguese). She is active in the study and editing of Medieval Galician texts, with a view to gaining greater insight into diachronic and geographical development on the road towards contemporary Galician.
She has been an ab initio member of the team developing the Atlas Lingüístico Galego. She is a co-author of two Galician grammars, with Monteagudo / Regueira (1986) and Xove (2002), and the chief researcher of the team writing the grammar of the Real Academia Galega. She leads the Tesouro do léxico patrimonial galego e portugués project, which involves teams in Galicia, Portugal and Brazil. Co-director of the research project Gondomar. Corpus dixital de textos galegos da Idade Moderna.
Rosario Alvarez has been the Director of Teaching Staff (1990-94), Head of the Department of Galician Philology (1995-99), the Instituto da Lingua Galega (2005-13) and the journal Estudos de Lingüística Galega (2009-2018); she was the Vice-President of the Consello da Cultura Galega (2010-2018) and member of the Executive Committee of the RAG as its treasurer (2013-2017).
She is a permanent member of the Real Academia Galega (2003); coordinates the Grammar Seminar and directs the Language section. She is the director of the Consello da Cultura Galega (since 2018).
Últimas publicacións
- Rosario Álvarez Blanco (2022): Lingua, patrimonio e coñecemento tradicional, María Álvarez de la Granja / Marta Negro Romero (eds.), Santiago de Compostela: Consello da Cultura Galega, 55-87 - Capítulo de libro
- "Doa a doa, dato a dato"Rosario Álvarez Blanco (2022): Congrés Espais de frontera a la península Ibérica, Barcelona: Universidade de Barcelona, 8-10 de xuño - Presentación
- “Polos camiños ás palabras”Rosario Álvarez Blanco (2021): Simposio ILG2021. 50 anos. Homenaxe a Rosario Álvarez Blanco, Francisco Fernández Rei e Manuel González González, Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 18-21 de outubro de 2021 - Presentación