1. of this corpus implies acceptance of all the conditions indicated below.
2. Galician and Portuguese word bank is the result of transcription, annotation and computer processing of dialectal lexical works. The copyright for the computer tool belongs to the Galician Language Institute (USC), and intellectual property of the corpus design and the manipulation of the data belongs to the organizations listed on the home page of the Tesouro. Copyright for individual works included in the Tesouro pertains to the respective owners in accordance with legislation in each country concerned.
3. Permission is given to consult the Tesouro and use its materials for dissemination, teaching, research and personal use. It is forbidden to use them for profit without express written permission from those in charge of the project ().
4. Use of this corpus implies an obligation to cite both the Tesouro itself and each separate work that is a source of data used in the study or publication in question in a proper manner according to academic conventions.
LópezF 1975, apud TLPGP
LópezF 1975: 280, apud TLPGP.
LópezF 1975, apud TLPGP: s.v. fatumiño.
6. It would be greatly appreciated if you could send a hard and/or digital copy of any publication in which in the corpus has been used to the following address:
© 2025 Instituto da Lingua Galega - USC
ISSN 2659-3173