Language, heritage, and traditional knowledge
Main researcher :
Team members:
Sónia Valente Rodrigues
José Barbosa Machado
The program Lingua, patrimonio e coñecemento tradicional is integrated into the Plan Proxecta, promoted by the Consellería de Cultura, Educación y Ordenación Universitaria of the Xunta de Galicia. This program is part of the GEOARPAD project, part of the EP-INTERREG V Spain-Portugal operational program (POCTEP).
The program Lingua, patrimonio e coñecemento tradicional aims to bring the students of participating schools closer to the knowledge of local and traditional culture, given that, due to their age, they tend to show less interest in or have less contact with it. The purpose of this activity is to promote the collection and analysis of a corpus of lexical material linked to heritage culture activities, paying special attention to vocabulary related to such activities and knowledge that have been lost or are disappearing due to profound economic and social changes that occurred in the last decades.
The specific objectives sought are:
- Reflect on the importance of knowing and maintaining the cultural and linguistic heritage.
- Collect heritage vocabulary in the environment in which students live.
- Organize and analyze the information obtained in the learning process.
- Carry out research work on the vocabulary collected for a deeper understanding of the anthropological, linguistic, geographical, historical, and artistic heritage of the area in which the educational centre is located.
- Disseminate the results of the learning process among the educational community.

Execution date:
Funded by:
Project co-financed 75% in the 1st call of the operational program INTERREG V Spain Spain (POCTEP) 2014-2020 through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union. Code: 0358_ GEOAPARD_1_E.