Main researcher :
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The Fitofaladoiro (or Plant Almanack) is a multidisciplinary project jointly developed by Herbario Sant of Universidade de Santiago de Compostela’s Falculty of Pharmacy and ILG. It has several goals:
- To record names and traditional uses of Galicia’s wild plants. Other cultural aspects of plants are also considered of interest, such as legends, stories, proverbs, beliefs, games etc.
- To learn to create a herbarium.
- To record cultural elements that are on the verge of disappearing; to encourage respect for traditional lore and nature; to promote inter-generational dialogue between children and elderly people.
- To illustrate the potential of the Galician language in the natural sciences.
The project is primarily aimed at high school students in Galicia, in the hope of also involving Galician language teachers and natural science teachers, promoting an interchange between the disciplines of Humanities and Nature Sciences. But the project is also open to contributions from cultural clubs in general and people interested in contributing on an individual basis.

Execution date:
Funded by:
Convenio coa Secretaría Xeral de Política Lingüística da Xunta de Galicia