Computerized Mediaeval Corpus of the Latin Language in Portugal
Main researcher:
Team members:
César Osorio Peláez
The Computerized Mediaeval Corpus of the Latin Language in Portugal (Tesouro Medieval Informatizado da Lingua Latina - Portugal or TMILL-P) forms part of the Tesouro Medieval Galego-Portugués, the mediaeval linguistic corpus of Galicia and Portugal. This encompasses the Dom Dinís, which constitutes the Portuguese component of the Tesouro. It contains the mediaeval texts in Latin.
Parallelly with TMILL-G, the mediaeval Portuguese legacy of Latin works is being collected and codified. In 2012 the work Tombo de Fiaes, transcribed by Xesús Ferro Couselo, was incorporated.
Execution date:
1992 to 2018
Funded by:
Sen financiamento externo