Grammar of Galician language
Work on the grammar of the Galician language (Gramática da lingua galega) commenced a few years back in connection with the “General descriptive grammar of modern Galician” project which was set up within the Instituto da Lingua Galega in order to describe the modern Galician diasystem of the 19th to 21st centuries, taking into account different geographical, chronological, social and stylistic varieties as attestable at the present time. Individually or collectively, the members of this group have been working in this field uninterruptedly ever since.
Subsequently this team of grammarians, coordinated by Rosario Álvarez, undertook to create the official grammar of the Real Academia Galega, with the academic objective of writing a descriptive grammar of standard Galician which can provide guidance about usage and various linguistic options, and also about grammatical correctness, targeting a wide range of users who are educated without assuming any technical linguistic knowledge. These criteria were established in Álvarez & Monteagudo (2004).
A cooperative agreement between the Real Academia Galega and Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (through ILG) was drawn up and signed late in 2010, formalising both institutions’ commitment to the project. Completion is envisaged in three years, so the final text should be available by the end of 2013.