Legal Notices

Ownership of the website and its content               

This web domain and the pages hosted therein are owned by the Galician Language Institute (ILG), a research centre belonging to the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC). The purpose of these pages is to make known the centre's activities and to present the research it carries out.

USC, collaborating entities in activities at the centre and their scholars hold the intellectual property rights over all the content hosted on this website. They also own the research results that take the form of computer applications, articles and publications displayed on the site. The collaborating organisations' logos are the property of the respective organisations.


The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only. The ILG does not undertake or take any responsibility for the maintenance and updating of this data. The ILG takes no responsibility for any loss or damages caused by illegitimate uses of the tools and information on this website.

The ILG takes no responsibility in connection with links or content of external websites linked to from this site.

The ILG reserves the right to carry out, at any time and without notice, modifications and updates of the information on this website.

Rules of use

Users agree to use this website without incurring in activities that might be considered illegal or violate the rights of ILG and USC. Users may not access this website in order to damage, impair or make unusable the services and information provided.

Unless an express statement is made to the contrary, the information available on this site cannot be used for commercial purposes. Moreover, users who use this information or applications hosted on this site must meet the following conditions:

  • They may not make changes that result in distorting information contained in the domain.
  • They should always cite the origin (source) of documents and information that they quote from.
  • They should mention the date of the last update of information or documents that they quote from.