Conferencia de Nicola Bermingham no ILG

A profesora da Universidade de Liverpool Nicola Bermingham, investigadora visitante no noso Instituto, ofrecerá a conferencia "Intersecting Language Ideologies: insights from the periphery" o xoves 28, ás 13:00 h, na sala de conferencias.
This presentation takes Cabo Verdean migration to Galicia as its focus and addresses an analytical gap in academic scholarship by exploring migration from one peripheral context to another. It draws on language ideologies as a framework to allow for an “unpacking of how speakers understand, view and use language” (Cavanaugh 2011, p. 46), thus enabling us to better understand how speakers of Galician, from Cabo Verdean backgrounds, position themselves in relation to discourses about languages and language practices; to scrutinise how the “linguistic baggage” (Busch 2017) of Cabo Verde and Galicia intersect; and to reflect on the ways in which language, as a symbolic resource, is mobilised by migrants.
*A charla será en galego.