Do not type accents in your searches. The data provided by the Instituto Nacional de Estatística omits them. So for example, a search for CASAS will yield results covering both Casas and Cásas.
2. To search for compound surnames, type an underline character (_) between elements. For example, to find Fernández Da Ponte, type FERNANDEZ_DA_PONTE. The same rule applies to names starting with a preposition such as DA_PONTE.
Asterisks and question marks may be used as wildcards in searches. An asterisk stands for any series of characters at the beginning or end of a string, e.g. a search for <PERE*> will return surnames that begin with PER- (such as PERE, PEREA, PEREDA, PEREZ, etc.). A question mark stands for a single character: a search for <SANCHE?> returns names of seven characters that begin with SANCHE- (e.g. SANCHEL, SANCHES, SANCHEZ).
4. Remember that a surname may have various spellings. Only names spelt exactly as in the census will be returned. Castilianized forms, and those spelt with or without an <h>, or with either a <b> or a <v> e.g. TEIXEIRO/TEIJEIRO, AIRA/AYRA, ERMIDA/HERMIDA, RIBEIRA /RIVEIRA) are counted as different names. To view all results for TEIXEIRO, TEIJEIRO and TEIGEIRO together, doing a search on TEI?EIRO will cause all these to be plotted together of these on one map. At the bottom-left, it will say “Surnames like TEI?EIRO″.
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This site´s home page gives general information about the GSM project and team. A panel on the right displays the following data:
The data provided are from the 2001 population census carried out by the Instituto Nacional de Estatística (Madrid).
The data base is made up of all the surnames in the 2001 population census for Galicia.
Since registers give two surnames per person, the total number results from adding first and second surnames, and does not therefore
represent the total number of bearers of those names.
This is the number of different forms of surnames that appear in the 2001 census.
The following information is returned upon searching for a surname:
The total number of data base records that coincide with the search string.
The percentage is calculated from the number of surnames found in the search result and the total number of surnames
in the data base: p(%) = (Surnames found / All surnames) x 100.
This is the surname´s place in terms of its frequency out of the whole set of distinct names in the data base. The number
of surnames sharing the same position in this ranking is given in parentheses.
The number of council districts in which the surname is registered.
This is followed by a table with details about the location of the surname in question for each council district:
Listing of council districts (municipalities) in which the surname is registered.
The province to which the council district belongs.
The number of instances of registration of the surname in this district.
Percentage of the total number of surnames registered in the district; p(%) = (Number of
occurrences of the surname in the district / Total number of all surname occurrences in the district) x 100
By default, the data are sorted in decreasing order by the number in the Percent column. This order can be changed to alphabetical order by district or province, or absolute numerical order, by clicking on the arrows in the column headings.
The map shows the geographical distribution of the surname according to the search results, superimposed on a map of Galicia’s 315 council districts. Density of the surnames by district is conveyed through a colour scale. This scale groups densities into six categories at the most, ranging from white (no registered records for the surname in the district in question) to maroon (districts where the highest percentages are recorded). A key indicates the percentage corresponding to each colour. The method used for data classification is called Natural Breaks. This classification method is based on the Jenks' Natural Breaks algorithm that minimizes the variation between each class and display naturalgroupings inherent in the data.
The map comes with two tools (located inside the map box) which can be used to move the image, amplify and reduce it, and add layers for provinces and regions. Click on a district and its name will be displayed together with the corresponding numerical data. The map and the table of statistics for the current search can be saved or printed in PDF file format.
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